Is it correct to give the logo?

The client asked to make a logo, it will be used on the website, business cards, documents, etc.
The logo is simple, text-based(numbers). I also asked you to send it in vector format.
1. What logo sizes should I give to the client?
2. In what format?
3. If you asked in a vector, then you still need to do not only in PS, but also in AI?

Author: Fitstd, 2017-07-11

2 answers

Practice shows that the client does not always know what exactly (from a technical point of view!) it is required (unless, of course, we are talking about an advertising agency or a well-trained client).

Very often, only one bitmap image is passed to the client, and the client is satisfied with that.

Further, when producing any product using the results of the illustrator's work, the production staff has a question: where to get a vector image? an image?

It often happens that the connection with the performer is already lost, and either a bitmap preview goes into production (as a result, we get a deliberately low-quality result), or the client repeatedly spends money and time on drawing and illustrating (which also, frankly, does not serve to improve the quality of the original work).

So, the client, unless otherwise specified, is passed two components (this is the minimum possible set):

1. Preview (preview file) illustrations.
The background-in general-is white (if the illustration is not made with an eversion).
Format-png or jpg.
Size - for comfortable screen viewing: about 800 pixels in height. The size is not important-the main thing is that it is not too small, and not huge.
The color model is RGB.

In the file name, it is advisable to use the prefix/suffix "preview", so that no one has a desire to use this particular file in production, and it was understanding that, in addition to this "preview", there is also a file for production.

2. Vector file in EPS format.
Fonts in curves ("Type / Create outlines" in Adobe Illustrator) . In special cases (discussed separately) it is possible to transfer the work with fonts not in curves with the mandatory application of font files used in the illustration (but here it is necessary to take into account that the fonts are the subject of intellectual property of their authors). developer)

Geometric size:
If the work is not a finished product with clearly defined dimensions (booklet, leaflet, etc.), it does not matter, the main thing is to adhere to common sense.
For example, we can assume that the customer wants to print the work on a standard A4 sheet, and make the dimensions of the artboard and the illustration itself so that the illustration looks organically on an A4 sheet.

Color scheme model:
Depending on the application area. For offset/digital printing - CMYK, for Web - RGB.

File format:
For maximum compatibility with any software, the preferred format is EPS, since Encapsulated PostScript is, in fact, an industry standard.

The PS (PostScript) file should not be passed, it is a format for CTP/CTF (form output devices).

AI, CDR, and other proprietary formats should not be used because of possible problems with compatibility.

Author: Pavel Dmitrenko, 2020-06-12 12:52:24
  1. If it's a vector image, it doesn't matter
  2. If on the site then . svg if business cards then most likely . cdr
  3. You will have to do it in AI, but you can also sketch PS
Author: ishidex2, 2017-07-11 08:29:18