Is it correct to state that this boolean simplification is correct?

We have the following table truth :

insert the description of the image here

Just from the minterms its boolean expression is as follows:

A'.B'.C' + A'.B'.C + A'.B.C + A.B.C' + A.B.C

According to this site , it is said that the simplification of its expression is given by:

y = A'.B' + A'.C + A.B

But with my boolean simplification I managed to get the following result:

S = A'.B'.C' + A'.B'.C + A'.B.C + A.B.C' + A.B.C
S = A’.B’(C’ + C) + A’.B.C + AB(C’ + C)
S = A’.B’ + A’.B.C + AB
S = A’.B’ + B(A’.C + A)
S = A’.B’ + B(C.1)
S = A’.B’ + BC

Checking in next website, for the two answers I did not get the same output from the true table.. I am not a doctor to be able to prove and affirm that it is correct and this would be the best solution, but what conclusion should I draw from this?

  • a)that my simplification is correct, even different from the other?
  • b) that my simplification is better than the other, by using fewer doors?
Author: Gabriel Pellegrino, 2019-05-24

2 answers

Has an error in your solution when pointing out that:

S = A’.B’ + B(A’.C + A)
S = A’.B’ + B(C.1)

You are implying that A'.C + A = 1 = (A' + A)

A   C   C.(A'+A)
0   0      0
0   1      1
1   0      0
1   1      1

A   C   A'.C+A 
0   0     0
0   1     1
1   0     1
1   1     1

It is worth noting that A'.B '+ A'.B. C + A. B is also Solution. But somehow, A'.B '+ A'.C + A. B is also.

Author: Gabriel Pellegrino, 2019-05-24 05:41:58

Answer your immediate questions: a) - - - is my simplification correct, even different from the other? Its simplification is wrong from Line 4 (line that starts its implication A'.C + A = C . 1). Being different from the other does not necessarily imply being wrong.

B) - - - is my simplification better than the other, by using fewer ports? If your answer was correct, yes and your biggest improvement would be by not using a three-input OR port and yes an OR port with two inputs.

Step By Step:

Includes some steps you omitted, as well as points'.'in places like AB, so as to stay, A. B, so as not to leave anything implicit. The comments next to a line concern what I had to do on that line to get to the next line.

Obs. I recommend not to use the point'.'to represent the logical and operation just like the" + " for the OR, this overloads these operators when you is doing arithmetic. I recommend using the " ^ "for the AND and" v " for the OR. In order not to confuse you I did following your way ;)

1. S = A'.B'.C' + A'.B'.C + A'.B.C + A.B.C' + A.B.C  /* distributiva AND */

2. S = A’.B’.(C’ + C) + A’.B.C + A.B.(C’ + C)        /* elemento máximo OR */

3. S = A’.B’.1  + A’.B.C + A.B.1  (OMITIDO)          /* elemento neutro AND */

4. S = A’.B’ + A’.B.C + A.B                          /* associativa AND */ 

5. S = A’.B’ + B.A’.C + B.A   (OMITIDO)              /* distributiva AND */ 

6. S = A’.B’ + B(A’.C + A)                           /* por (1) */

S = A’.B’ + B(C.1)                                   /* ERRADO */
S = A’.B’ + BC                                       /* ERRADO */

7. S = A’.B’ + B.(A + C)                             /* distributiva AND */ 

8. S = A’.B’ + B.A  + B.C  /* e isso é equivalente a resposta do site por (2) */


(1) Test: A'.C + A = A + C

A’.C + A                   /* associativa OR  */
A + A’.C                   /* distributiva OR     */
(A + A') . (A + C)         /* elemento máximo OR  */
1 . (A + C)                /* elemento neutro AND */
A + C

Therefore, A'.C + A = A + C

Proof by The Truth Table:

(to track the proof by the truth table I recommend opening the image in a separate tab)

As there are 2 variables, A and C, 2^2 combinations = 4 combinations.

insert the description of the image here

Passo 1, 
        Lado esquerdo,
             A Coluna(Col.) 3  recebe NEGAÇÃO da Col. 1.
             Col. 5 recebe Col.2;
             Col. 7 recebe Col.1 

        Lado direito,
             Col. 9 recebe Col. 1;
             Col. 11 recebe Col. 2

Passo 2,
        Lado esquerdo: Col. 4 recebe AND entre a Col. 3 e 5.

        Lado direito: Col. 10 recebe OR entre a Col. 9 e 11.

Passo 3, 
        Lado esquerdo: Col. 6 recebe OR entre a Col. 4 e 7.

Passo 4,(sinal de igual, nesse caso, representa o operador de equivalência)
        Pela definição de equivalência, as colunas 6 e 10 deveriam ser iguais,
        fato que acontece. Portanto, está provada a equivalência entre as funções lógicas. 

(2) Test: A'.B '+ B. A + B. C = A'.B '+ A'.C + A. B

Proof by The Truth Table:

3 variables A, B, C. 2^3 combinations = 8 combinations

insert the description of the image here

Passo 1, 
        Lado esquerdo,
             Col. 4 recebe a NEGAÇÃO da Col. 1
             Col. 6 recebe a NEGAÇÃO da Col. 2
             Col. 8 e 12 recebe Col. 2
             Col. 10 recebe Col. 1
             Col. 14 recebe Col. 3

        Lado direito,
             Col. 16 e Col. 20 recebem a NEGAÇÃO da Col. 1
             Col. 18 recebe a NEGAÇÃO da Col. 2
             Col. 22 recebe Col. 3
             Col. 24 recebe Col. 1
             Col. 26 recebe Col. 2 

 Passo 2, 
         Lado esquerdo,
              Col. 5 recebe AND entre Col. 4 e 6;
              Col. 9 recebe AND entre Col. 8 e 10;
              Col. 13 recebe AND entre Col. 12 e 14;

         Lado direito,
              Col. 17 recebe AND entre Col. 16 e 18;
              Col. 21 recebe AND entre Col. 20 e 22;
              Col. 25 recebe AND entre Col. 24 e 26;

 Passo 3, (Lembre-se que o OR é associativo)
         Lado esquerdo, 
              Col. 7 recebe OR entre Col. 5 e 9;

         Lado direito, 
              Col. 19 recebe OR entre Col. 17 e 21;

 Passo 4, 
         Lado esquerdo, 
              Col. 11 recebe OR entre Col. 7 e Col. 13

         Lado direito, 
              Col. 23 recebe OR entre Col. 19 e 25;

 Passo 5,
         Pela definição de equivalência 11 deveria ser igual a 23, 
         fato que acontece. Portanto, está provada a equivalência 
         entre essas duas funções lógicas.  


(1) about Gabriel's answer, he erred in saying that you implied that a'.C + a = 1, you didn't do that, what you did is imply that A'.C + A = C.

(2) The reason for what there are several solutions is that in fact there is not a single correct solution. But make no mistake, as was quoted by William A'.B '+ A'.B. C + A. B is also a solution but it is not a "correct solution", in my view, because it can still be simplified.

For this problem there are two correct solutions. Karnaugh's map justifies it.


insert the description of the image here


insert the description of the image here

Let f be the function represented by these Karnaugh maps then: (first image) f = A'.B '+ A'.C + A. B or (second image) f = A'.B ' + B. C + A. B, respectively the answer you found on the site and the answer we found.

Author: Pedro, 2019-12-27 00:31:59