Is it possible to create 3D games with pygame?

Is it possible? And if it is possible I need to know how to draw my own 3D images or is there any site that provides 3d images for free?

Author: Matheus Silva Pinto, 2017-10-25

1 answers

The pygame module of Python is based on libsdl. Known as Simple DirectMedia Layer or SDL.

SDL is not a 3D graphics library. according to the information on official page :

SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and to graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.

This " access to graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D " means that SDL contains some auxiliary functions to facilitate cross-platform use of OpenGL, but you will still need to implement a layer ( engine) for raw OpenGL, capable of converting 2D to 3D and vice versa.

If you want a more specific approach to 3D, maybe engines 3D, like the Ogre or Irrlicht, that use OpenGL (or Direct3D on Windows) and provide API for graphical models in 3D.

Author: Lacobus, 2017-10-25 16:28:36