Is it possible to implement operation () overloading in Java?

Create multiple objects (for example, a and b) of the developed class.
Class-vector (one-dimensional array). Implement an operation overload for objects of this
class(): (a(i)=b(j)).

Author: default locale, 2017-10-27

2 answers

There is no operator overload in vanilla/plain Java.

Yes, but if you try very hard, you can portray it-through plugins to the Java compiler.

There is for example a solution for overloading arithmetic operators - with brackets, of course, it will be more difficult. But if you think carefully, you can probably get out of it.

Author: Barmaley, 2017-10-27 10:29:34

No, you can't override the behavior of operators in Java.

In such cases, they usually take the example of List and create methods get and set:

a.set(i, b.get(j));

In principle, it would be logical for this class to implement the List interface or use one of the ready-made implementations (if the task allows the use of standard classes).

You can also look in the direction of the Kotlin language, it works under the JVM and provides a lot of syntactic sugar, including redefining the operator ().

Author: default locale, 2017-10-27 10:44:41