Is it recommended to use TFS for those who are starting out and have a simple project?

I recently completed my first project in C#, it is a tool that will help the administrator of the company where I work.

At the moment, the updates are manual and in search of finding a solution for this I came across the Team Foundation Server. Should I start using it to control my system versions and even (if possible) perform automatic updates?

Author: LINQ, 2017-01-20

2 answers

TFS is more than a versioning tool, you can use it to manage the entire project and other projects.

You'll be able to use Kanban to organize tasks and several other methods to help organize. Like for example list the bugs found and associate them for someone to do and also new features that will be added to the system.

Because it is a collaborative development tool more than one person can help you manage the project.

With this you will be able to quantify the development time, who worked the most and so on.

It is worth remembering that TFS supports any programming language.

I recommend the use mainly by management and control.

Author: Diego Vieira, 2017-01-23 12:40:54

Yes, you should ideally use something like Team Foundation Server (TFS), due to the range of features it provides.

Being your personal project (even your company and/or customers) I suggest using Visual Studio Team Services or VSTS.

What is the difference between TFS and Visual Studio Team Services? Let's look at some:

  1. TFS is installed on your servers, all configured by you, you need to get hold responsible for Backups, updates, etc. Already in VSTS, all this is hosted in the Microsoft Cloud, and is managed by the same, that is, Backup, Updates, installation, etc., it is not under your jurisdiction, you do not worry about it, and does not have the cost of keeping servers connected, etc.

  2. The VSTS is updated automagically every 3 weeks, without any intervention by you, since the TFS takes at least 3 months to exit an update package, that is, the version will be much smaller if you use VSTS.

Another cool point is that VSTS is free for teams with up to 5 developers, so if you have a small team, its cost will be very low.

Up there, I talked about the range of features that VSTS / TFS has, let's look at some of them:

  1. version control (using TFVC or GIT), where you can have unlimited private repositories
  2. Agile Planning, where you can manage all your tasks, all your Backlogs, and even create links with your commits to have a greater traceability of the work done
  3. automated Build, where your project will be compiled by the server, with the latest version of your source code in the repository, you can perform architecture validations, automated tests, quality analysis
  4. automated Deployment in all your environments, with approval cycle, etc
  5. Nuget/NPM repository private
  6. etc.

It is worth remembering, that you do not need to work only with .NET projects, VSTS/TFS supports basically any language and project, that is, you can work with your Java, Android, iOS projects, among others, including, the compilation and deployment also work on Linux machines, because you can install a compilation and deployment agent on linux machines to meet this type of scenario .

Another cool point, is the integration with external tools, for example, you can integrate a Slack to receive notifications of activities, Builds, Deployments, you can integrate a SonarQube to analyze the quality of your projects, etc.

I'll leave here for you too, some content on the subject:

Author: Julio Arruda, 2017-07-04 15:52:02