Is there a strict comparison operator like ===in Python?

Just the usual comparison via == does not work as it should:

>>> 0 == False
Author: strawdog, 2020-05-01

3 answers

If the essence of the question is to compare values and types, then you can do this:

def strict_eq(obj1, obj2):
    if type(obj1) != type(obj2):
        return False
    return obj1 == obj2

In [4]: strict_eq(0, False)
Out[4]: False

PS you can go even further and for numeric types compare numbers up to a certain precision to avoid known floating point problems:

In [5]: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
Out[5]: False

Strict comparison function with a certain accuracy:

from numbers import Number

def strict_eq(obj1, obj2, epsilon=1e-7):
    if type(obj1) != type(obj2):
        return False
    if isinstance(obj1, Number):
        return abs(obj1 - obj2) < epsilon
    return obj1 == obj2

In [10]: strict_eq(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3)
Out[10]: True
Author: MaxU, 2020-05-01 13:47:31

For many cases, it is possible to apply the comparison of ids:

id(0) == id(False)

This doesn't exactly match the === operator (JavaScript), but it can be useful.

Author: MarianD, 2020-05-01 07:00:54

What exactly is confusing you? In Python True = 1, a False = 0. If you need to compare exactly the words True and False, then just take them as strings for example 0 == "False"

Author: DGDays, 2020-05-01 05:28:02