Is there already a structured language for quantum processors?

Quantum processors have been in a broad development process for many years. However, we "mere mortals" do not yet have large-scale access to such powerful equipment (something similar to what happened to computers before the era of personal computers, such as the IBM PC).

My question is basically what stage of development we are at. We already have a structured programming language, such as C and Pascal, or are we far from it, like Assembly or even prior to this?

Author: Arthur Siqueira, 2019-12-02

1 answers

There is a programming language for quantum algorithms that was created by Microsoft, its name is q#, I did not get to use but from what I saw the QDK (the development kit) can run both on top of python and C#.

Author: Matheus Alexandre de Sena, 2020-03-03 12:08:08