It is necessary to find the part of the code responsible for supplying power to the heated table in the marlin firmware

Introductory: There is a marlin firmware for a 3d printer and a development environment where you can edit this code. I can't find the part of the code where the decision is made to warm the table or not. In the end, you need to add the code so that the table warms up in periods. That is, if the target temperature is not reached, we warm up for 5 seconds, cool down for 5 seconds, and so on until the desired temperature is reached, if we have reached it, we turn off.

Author: MIHAnik22, 2020-05-22

2 answers

Everything related to temperature control is in the Temperature class described in the temperature.h file and temperature.cpp

Author: Герман Борисов, 2020-05-25 04:24:56

That is, if the target temperature is not reached, we warm up for 5 seconds, cool down for 5 seconds, and so on until the desired temperature is reached, if we have reached it, we turn off.

The description is very similar to bang-bang mode. But but works a little differently. We check the temperature every BED_CHECK_INTERVAL (default is 5 seconds). If it is lower than the set value, then turn on the heating, if it is higher, then turn it off.

Author: Герман Борисов, 2020-05-25 05:41:07