It was not possible to connect: no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused them

I'm trying to connect to my database. This is easyphp webserver 14.1.


insert the description of the image here

Follows the php code for connection.


$HOST = '';
$USER= '*****'; // Aqui informei o usuário do meu banco
$PASS= '*****'; // Aqui informaei a senha do usuário para acesso ao banco
$BANCO = 'gclient_embratel';

$conexao = mysql_connect($HOST,$USER,$PASS) or die('Não foi possivel conectar: '.mysql_error());

$selecao = mysql_select_db($BANCO);?>

Follows the error message: insert the description of the image here

Author: Giancarlo Abel Giulian, 2016-09-28

1 answers


Since you are using the database on the same machine as the application, the database connection setting can be changed to:


    $HOST = 'localhost:3388';
    $USER= '*****';
    $PASS= '*****';
    $BANCO = 'gclient_embratel';

    $conexao = mysql_connect($HOST,$USER,$PASS) or die('Não foi possivel conectar: '.mysql_error());

    $selecao = mysql_select_db($BANCO);?


Instead of the IP of your external machine defined in the variable $HOST I put the value localhost, but it could be used also

How Much The refused connection can occur by several factors, the main ones being:

  1. The MySQL database service does not it started and is not running on Port 3388. If you use Linux you can do the fuser 3388/tcp command to check if there is a process using this port.

  2. There is some restriction in your machine's firewall to Port 3388.

  3. Are you using a Amazon Web Services machine for your application? You must release the port in the security settings of your instance.

Putting the value localhost in the variable $HOST probably the options 2 and 3 are discarded because Port 3388 of the local machine will be accessed without the need for external access.

Author: Giancarlo Abel Giulian, 2016-09-28 22:44:18