Java beginner doubt-why is the result of the double variable wrong? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : What is the correct way to use float, double, and decimal types? (2 responses) inaccurate result in calculation with broken numbers (3 responses) Closed 1 year ago.

I made an algorithm that simulates a bank account, where the client can withdraw and deposit values, worked perfectly when I used variables of type int, but when I use variables of type double (for the purpose of the algorithm to make counts with Cents) it returns some values that I think are wrong, for example:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double valor1 = 10;
    double valor2 = 9.8;
    double resultado = valor1 - valor2;


The value it returns to me is 0.1999999999999993, when I think the correct would be 0.2

Author: Vinicius Macedo, 2019-08-04