Java development for iOS (iPhone)? [closed]

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Dear programmers! I meet a lot of contradictory information on the Internet. Let's say I decided to write a program in java and specifically for ios.

  1. Is it possible to develop an application in java for iOS in principle?

    • There are numerous opinions that you can only develop for iOS using a Mac bundled with Objective-C and the iOS SDK (the iOS SDK does not support java!). However, there is also an official Oracle documentation that says that java can be used as a development tool for iOS.
  2. Is it possible to upload java applications written for iOS to the AppStore?

  3. Is it possible to use a java application for iOS to access perefiriynyh iPhon'a devices, such as a camera and micro usb?
  4. In what integrated development environment and with what modules can I develop Java applications for iOS?
    • As if it is implied that the author does not have a Mask, and there is no desire or opportunity to eliminate it either.
  5. Is there any professional literature on this subject? (preferably Russian-speaking)

PS. If you know the answer to at least one-fifth of the question, please answer! I really need some information. If you know about the pitfalls of this case, please also write!

Author: Andrew Kachalin, 2015-08-28

1 answers

  1. Yes, you can use RoboVM or JavaFXPorts
  2. Yes,
  3. Yes, RoboVM creates a bridge between Java and Objective-C
  4. RoboVM requires XCode and command utilities, the only option that comes to mind is to install a virtual Mac OS X
  5. Yes, but very little, even in English. The best links are listed at the top.

In conclusion, the development of java programs on iOS is quite it is real, but it means that the program itself is cross-platform (win, mac, linux, android, ios, etc). Because writing 1 common code in such cases is more profitable in terms of working time. If the program is exclusive to iOS, then writing in java does not make much sense and the time spent on development will not be justified.

Author: AlmasB, 2015-08-29 08:58:22