Java Frameworks [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: Selecting a framework for a modular program [closed] (3 responses) Closed 5 years ago.

Good afternoon.

I wanted to ask you where to start, to write a simple Web application in Java ?

Just when I was interested in this question, I did not even understand where to start. Everyone advises different frameworks, different names, and I don't understand this yet. It is also advisable to suggest something similar related to the database.

Author: Saidolim, 2013-12-25

5 answers

Well, no, you should not start with the framework.

You need to start with the database (it is clear that you should already know the word java-data types, collections, streams...):

1) Servlet container

2) JSP, jstl

3) After that, you can framework

As an application server, it is best to use tomcat, it is most often used (from OpenSource AppServers) in enterprise.

Well, before all this, you need to confidently own HTTP (response codes, headers, caching, redirects, commands: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, finally via telnet HTTP to be able to send)

Base-probably the best option for the first time is H2 (installation is unnecessary, just connect the driver and specify the jdbs url)

Author: Vladislav Pyatkov, 2013-12-25 16:07:52

The first thing I remembered:

  1. Spring Boot - it can't be easier, as it seems to me: configuration via annotations, no XML configs and long configuration of POM (maven), quick start. It seemed to me still damp, but for training or something not difficult-it will do. Lots of samples, great documentation, lots of books and articles.
  2. Play Framework - fairly low entry threshold, simple training, but use for something serious I would I didn't.
Author: falstaf, 2013-12-25 14:55:11

A quick application can be created on Spring Roo

Spring Roo allows you to quickly create an application skeleton and already modify it as you see fit. Basic knowledge of Spring is required.

Example of creating a project on the main page

Author: huffman, 2013-12-25 15:54:03

My answer is simple: JSF + Hibernate

Author: wwvv, 2013-12-26 18:58:19

The simplest framework for Java web is Struts - it is not burdened with all sorts of frills like the same Spring and at the same time quite powerful.

With regards to the database-you need to look at the de facto industry standard Hibernate - this is from the category must know

The Struts-Hibernate bundle is a normal workable industrial thing. It is used in many places.


To the discussion, in particular @Drylozav Is writing:

Tell me, but would you recommend JSP to a beginner ? Because I realized that the web you can also make applications using it.

JSP/Servlet are like building blocks. JSP is a higher level than Servlet. If Servlet is relatively speaking bricks, then JSP is like wall blocks, and the framework is an architectural concept.


  • Spring is based on the concept of AOP (and not only);
  • Struts is based on the simplest implementation of the concept MVC;
  • Hibernate implements the concept of POJO (Persistent Object Java Object or Plain Old Java Object) - in fact, in the understanding of Hibernate SQL, a table corresponds to a Java class, and an entry in it corresponds to a Java object / bean;
  • etc.

Roughly speaking, no matter how you write, you will still have to follow the concept laid down in the basis of the chosen framework - this is the essence of using the framework.

Author: Barmaley, 2013-12-26 06:38:05