Java GUI

How is the GUI implemented in Java? Is it only via javax.swing?

Author: Андрей, 2017-08-19

1 answers

Several frameworks have been created for Java to create The graphical user interface. Here are the most famous:

  • Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) - the very first framework
  • Swing - a framework created in 1998 and replaced by AWT
  • Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) - a framework created in 2003 and actively used by the developers of the Eclipse
  • JavaFX - it was originally a separate language developed at Sun Microsystems to create the Rich Internet Application (RIA), but since version 8, it is just a library included in the standard JDK.

If you plan to create applications for Java 8 and higher, then to avoid additional dependencies, use JavaFX. It is well documented (JavaDoc) and there are a large number of tutorials on it (Official guidelines). To quickly create the interface, you can use the special form editor JavaFX Scene Builder.

Author: Mikhail Vaysman, 2017-08-19 15:03:33