Java identifier expected

A little confused. I have such constructors:

public Circle() { = new Point(0,0);//center.getX()
    this.inline = new Point(10,0);//inline.getX()

public Circle(Point center, Point inline) { = center;
    this.inline = inline;

And I want to do the following:

List<IShape> shapes=new ArrayList();
shapes.add(new Circle(new Point(0,0),new Point(5,5) ));
shapes.add(new Circle());

Circle implements IShape. But when you add a shape, the development environment says the following:


Illegal start of type

Package shapes does not exist

How to solve this problem?

P.S. I'm adding the entire file.

package shapesprog;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ShapesDAO {
        List<IShape> shapes = new ArrayList();
        shapes.add(new Circle(new Point(0,0),new Point(5,5) ));
        shapes.add(new Circle());
Author: Мария Линк, 2020-10-31

2 answers

public class ShapesDAO {

  List<IShape> shapes = new ArrayList();

  public ShapesDAO() { 
    shapes.add(new Circle(new Point(0,0),new Point(5,5) ));
    shapes.add(new Circle());
Author: Igor, 2020-10-31 14:57:28

Thank you, I decided. Added all the code inside the class to the static block.

Author: Мария Линк, 2020-10-31 14:23:49