Java server for a J2ME application

I'm trying to write a server on Java for polling and managing some hardware with GPRS - modems on J2ME. Now I have implemented a site for displaying information on Spring MVC and added it to TomCat.
Stuck on implementing a long connection with clients in separate threads to exchange data (there will be up to 100 clients). I can't find a sensible example for my case using Spring and Tomcat (all examples for creating websites), the concept is basically similar, but everything I can't give her the same fret. Tell me which way to think, or maybe I did not choose the right technology to implement this task at all?

Author: Twiss, 2018-03-09

1 answers

Spring MVC is a web framework, so it is designed to work with the http protocol, and the http protocol is not designed to hold a connection for a long time, it works in request-response mode. Data exchange at the tcp socket level is more suitable for you. If there are a lot of connections, it is better to use asynchronous sockets. Look towards Netty.

Author: Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-03-10 07:53:40