java servlets. Choosing a DAO in runtime

There is a web application. When you log in, we get to the login page, we will omit the logic of the application itself.

As a source of data about registered users, we use the Data Access Object template, namely the IUserDao interface, which has 2 implementations: DatabaseUserDao and let's say MemoryUserDao.

To get an instance, we use the UserFactory factory with the getClassFromFactory() method, which returns IUserDao.

How is it possible implement a servlet, in particular the init() method to be able to determine which IUserDao implementation to use? The idea is to avoid in-code initialization by a specific implementation:

IUserDao userDao = new DatabaseUserDao(); 

That's not good


Author: Donatello, 2018-08-25

2 answers

This is all done through the Strategy pattern. You define a lot of different implementations, then put them all in the container by key. In the right place, select the right DAO and that's it.


public interface Dao {

    void execute();


public class DatabaseDao implements Dao {

    public void execute() {


public class MemoryDao implements Dao {

    public void execute() {


public class Container {

    private Map<String, Dao> container;

    public Container() {
        container = new HashMap<>();
        container.put("database", new DatabaseDao());
        container.put("memory", new MemoryDao());

    public Dao getDao(String key) {
        return container.get(key);


public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Container container = new Container();

Author: Andrii Torzhkov, 2018-08-26 08:08:05

I'm not sure if I understood your task correctly, but I'll describe how I did it. In the file, set factory.class=model.dao.jdbc.JdbcDaoFactory In the DaoFactory class, I have a variable private static DaoFactory instance; and a method that writes you an instance of the created factory to this variable. I have this public static DaoFactory getInstance(). It initializes the variable instance = (DaoFactory) Class.forName(factoryClass).newInstance(); Variable String factoryClass = dbProps.getProperty("factory.class");. Accordingly, changing the .properties file, you substitute the factory you need.

Author: Олексій Моренець, 2018-08-26 07:51:10