JavaFx: TreeView

How can I make such stripes (hatching) in TreeView?
I Googled as much as I could, there is no hint of such a thing anywhere

enter a description of the image here
enter a description of the image here

Author: Anton Shchyrov, 2018-02-27

1 answers

Very simple:

TreeItem<HBox> item=new TreeItem<HBox>(new HBox(new ImageView(new Image(inputStream)),new Label("Root")));
item.getChildren().add(new TreeItem<HBox>(new HBox(new ImageView(new Image(inputStream)),new Label("Item1"))));
TreeView<HBox> treeView=new TreeView<HBox>(item);

If desired, you can make a class instead of HBox, which will automatically change the image depending on the structure of the TreeItem.

Author: Александр, 2018-07-21 16:32:25