junior qa test task

In the test task for the position of Junior QA, among other things, they were given the task to write test cases for a ready-made product. Please tell me how to do more correctly. Look for errors, or you can not find existing bugs, and come up with them yourself? After all, as far as I understand the meaning of this is not to find mistakes, but to see my understanding?

Author: olyasha, 2020-06-05

1 answers

I can assume based on the cases that we gave to our testers. (We really wrote a special application for this, with bugs, and gave it to testers, but that's it). The goal of the tester is not to find bugs (strange as it may sound), but to test the functionality. Accordingly, the test case does not necessarily have to find a bug (especially if it is not present), it should check that the entire application works as it is intended. A banal option for authorization:

  • Open authorization
  • Enter the name
  • Enter the number
  • Enter a name of 70 thousand characters
  • Enter "nothing"

And so on.. Bugs here may not be (and should not be), but the key is the idea that the functionality works.

Author: Вадим, 2020-06-05 09:17:10