Kivy installation error

I can't install kivy on my computer, I've never messed with pip before, I'm putting the commands in cmd and it gives error.

I am running the following commands:

python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
python -m pip install kivy.deps.gstreamer
python -m pip install kivy.deps.angle

These 3 commands have no installation errors. But when I do:

python -m pip install kivy

Is the error. I ran on cmd on the desktop and in the folder where python (3.8) is installed. I also used both cmd and powershell and it gives the same error, which is:

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

Author: Gabriel, 2020-05-04

1 answers

Worked here for me, I took it from a GitHub gringo repository:

We are not likely to release a version 1.11.1 to 3.8 for pypi. However, you can install kivy master using:

pip install kivy[base] kivy_examples --pre --extra-index-url

Copy from pip to . and paste to cmd I hope so.

Author: Guilherme Jesuino Ramires, 2020-08-03 08:11:17