Language for learning hacking [closed]

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Tell me, what languages would you recommend to learn for further training in hacking?

7 answers

C++, SQL queries, and in general, any language is suitable for hacking.) But you also need to know TCP/IP, client-server technologies well.

Regarding programming languages, I would prefer C++ or C#. It is useful to know the Script in this case.

Be interested in cryptography,) since knowledge of one language will not be enough.

Author: Zein, 2011-10-21 17:09:19

The answer is a little off-topic, rather for general purposes.

Actually, the concept of "hacking" is not as negative as many people are used to perceive. This is not necessarily hacking, spam, or some other trap. The essence of the hack in general is to use "undocumented features" or documented features in an unexpected way. I.e. it is in fact, according to the philosophy of the hack, so to speak, a flower vase from a 1.5-liter bottle is a hack to the same extent as an sql injection. The sad thing is that the hack as a culture is almost dead - the guys from the mid-90s did not consider people as crackers who break something for the sake of money, exactly when the money was the only goal (the case of a guy who broke a bank and ordered a girl a truck of roses is noteworthy). Now the "hackers" party mmm... I don't even know what to call them, in general, crooked radishes that hang screen blockers, steal accounts from Vkontakte or ICQ and sell them for 10p/piece to spammers. And here is a remarkable case when I killed blocker over the network using ArtMoney =)

In short, I mean what. This thing is useful in general in all respects, but it requires a lot from a person - at least, an appropriate mindset (this can be trained, but not from scratch), in the case of computers - a huge amount of knowledge (programming(at least 3 languages of different types), networks, OS, chips, psychology(!), matan, encryption), as well as a lot of free time (many hacks took several months). If you want to protect your projects and nothing more-read the spc. literature on computer security, sites like and, periodically check bugtrackers and update the software in a timely manner - this will protect you from 99.5% of attacks. But not from the sporting interest of a "trushny" hacker, because there is no protection from a fool)) And if you really want to break the matrix, invent, break down walls and make lasers out of dead DVD drives - you need to be a hacker everywhere and always.

I apologize for the volume, just first, the topic is "native", and secondly, anger has accumulated at the crooked radishes)

Author: Sh4dow, 2011-10-21 20:18:32

My opinion is that any language will do, because they all work fine through CGI. But you can give priority to relatively simple and common ones: Python, PHP, Perl, or the more sophisticated C# or even C++, the latter is not very often used in this context. And mandatory SQL. Knowing how the HTTP protocol works is also an essential thing.

Author: culebre, 2011-10-21 17:07:37

Good question. It's like if a forum of locksmiths asked: what brand of steel is better to make lock picks?

Author: skegg, 2011-10-21 17:08:21

I'm afraid becoming a hacker is already unwise for you. when you have registered on a well-known site and there are more lit up by the post, it may already be enough to find you :)

What you are asking this question says suggests 2 thoughts:
1) or you do not understand it at all and do not even know where to start (how to fix it: learning learning learning learning)
2) either you are too confident in your abilities and made a rash act. what for kulhatsker not allowed :) (be careful from now on, for every smart guy there is a smarter smart guy)

P.s. I would advise you to start, so to speak, from the very "end" - with cryptography. sooner or later you will come to her. but if you start with it, then it will be a pointer to technologies, skills that you need to master and master well.

Author: jmu, 2011-10-21 19:49:33

In general, to have full and trouble-free access (convenient for hackers to write viruses, etc.), you need to write programs in assembly language

Author: arman_pap, 2011-10-21 19:50:17

It is necessary to draw the line to be White Hat or Black Hat or Green Hat. Hence, to start with, the C++ and C#languages are already listed above.It all depends on the person himself and his type of thinking(you don't just become a hacker.) Watch the movie "Hackers 2:Operation hacking" that's where 2 hackers are fighting =) You see, the sites will be better for you than trying to hack the archive for weeks.

Author: Goldy, 2011-10-21 19:59:11