Laravel how to fill a select with Eloquent?

I'm using Laravel 5.5 and trying to fill a input select with Eloquent and using the following code:

No controller:

$tipos = Tipo::pluck('nome', 'id');
return view('teste')->with('tipos', $tipos);

Na view:

               ['id'=>'myselect','class' =>'form-control'])}}

And in this way, each item of checkbox turns an object as follows:

{"id":1,"nome":"casa","created_at":"2017-12-29 18:09:45","updated_at":"2017-12-29 18:09:45"}

How do I make it only the nome attribute in the item and id in the value?

Author: novic, 2017-12-30

2 answers

You will have to treat the array passed to select to form a new associative array. The key being the id and the name the value.

$tipos = Tipo::pluck('nome', 'id');
$tipo_associativo = [];
foreach($tipos as $key => $tipo){

        $tipo_associativo[$tipo['id']] = $tipo["nome"]; 
return view('teste')->with('tipos', $tipo_associativo);

Now when you pass this new array to Form:: select:

           ['id'=>'myselect','class' =>'form-control'])}}

Select will be mounted as follows:

<select name="tipo_id">
    <option value="id">nome</option>


Na official documentationta a little summarized, but Da Pra find other sources that explains Well how to create an array-based select.

Author: Thiago Reis, 2018-01-04 16:18:34

It's very simple!

In controller should look like this:

Just invert the order of the factors and get a different result. It is not necessary to go through the object!

$tipos = Tipo::pluck('id', 'nome');
return view('teste')->with('tipos', $tipos);

Na View - Blade

           ['id'=>'myselect','class' =>'form-control'])}}
Author: Rogers CorrĂȘa, 2018-06-21 14:01:27