Line break in the parser

Can I specify a line break when parsing? I tried to write in one line, also tried #10+#13, but without success. If you can perform this transfer, then tell me how, here are the lines in which you need to specify the transfer:

 <div class="wrap_fix">
    <a href="" data-hint-source="1">
Author: Nofate, 2013-01-04

2 answers

For Delphi porpobuyte chr(13)+chr(10)

Author: yalex1, 2013-01-04 17:38:53


|<div class=\"wrap_fix\">\s*<a href=\"http:\/\/news\.tut\.by\/\d+\.html\" data-hint-source=\"\d+\">|gi

For spaces, hyphenation, tabs, etc., it is responsible: \s* - an asterisk means that there may not be any or as many of them as you want.

I do not know the Delphi dialect, but if it uses regex like PCRE, then this code should help you.

Author: Гена Ант, 2013-01-04 17:28:06