Links to Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram

How to insert links to Viber, Whatsapp and Telegram on the site, when you click on them, the application opens and immediately goes to the chat with the specified number. And, accordingly, considering mobile devices.

With Viber it turned out like this:

<a href="viber://forward?text=Номер телефона"</a>

Viber opens it writes the error "Action could not be performed".

Whatsapp with Telegram open the program but are silent at all

4 answers

For Viber

<a href="viber://add?number=номер телефона">

Phone number in the format +(country code) number. + replace with %2B

For Telegram

<a href="tg://resolve?domain=имя">
Author: Denis, 2017-02-01 09:58:36

For Viber:

<a href="viber://chat?number=+38xxxxxxxxxx">
Author: Stan Fad, 2017-06-24 15:24:53

For Whatsapp

<a href="whatsapp://send?phone=79xxxxxxxxx">
Author: emaxe, 2017-04-20 12:52:12

For whatsapp with a message:

<a href="Здравствуйте%20Андрей!">Написать в WhatsApp</a>

(the number and the text that is immediately put in the input field, replace it with your own, %20 is a space) For telegram and Viber have already written answers. P.S.: It is still possible that you do not work for the reason that you write + before the phone number, you do NOT need to do this.

Author: Rikky, 2019-03-19 22:57:56