Failed to parse SourceMap: loading CSS file in Chrome

In the header of my page I have linked some files css which loaded perfectly their styles, but when you open the window "Developer Tools" Google Chrome shows me an error at the bottom "Console":

Failed to parse SourceMap: http://milocalhost:puerto/nombreProyecto/folder/

Considering Styles load perfectly. what can it be?

Author: Max Sandoval, 2016-04-20

2 answers

I was able to solve the problem only by removing the last commented line from the bootstrap file.css:

/ * # * /

I saved the CSS file again and when reloading the page the error message no longer appeared in the Chrome console, for those who have this small drawback is already solved, greetings.

Author: Jaime Diaz, 2016-04-20 15:42:38

Crome options

Just go to inspect > > settings (f1) > > disable

Author: Isanor Lopez, 2020-02-18 05:34:59