What is the shortcut for code execution in Sublime Text?

How do I make the shortcut Ctrl(Cmd)+B in Sublime Text, run the Python codes on the same screen as the code?

Author: Gabriel Rodrigues, 2014-03-01

2 answers

There are some ways to do this.

I usually squeeze CTRL+SHIFT+P and type until the Build: With Python option appears.

Another Way, is you select Tools > Build System > Automatic. When you need to run the default Build of that extension, you use the CTRL+B shortcut. If you have more than one Build System for the same language, the suggestion is to appear Ctrl+Shift+B.

Then a list of options will appear and you choose which Build you will run with.

Author: Wallace Maxters, 2016-05-18 13:37:16

It's easy, just follow these steps:

Tools > Build System > Automatic.

Done that, when you need to run that folder, just give the Command CTRL + B.

I hope I helped.

Author: Jacson Modell, 2020-04-18 14:22:39