Continue loop execution even if a pass gives problem

I am downloading Bovespa stock data by Package quantmod.

However, I still do not know why, in the Santander data (SANB11) the getSymbols function of the package is giving problem and the loop for execution. Do you have a way to make the loop continue execution even when a loop step gave error?

tickers<-c("OIBR4.SA", "PCAR4.SA", "PDGR3.SA", "PETR3.SA", "PETR4.SA", "RENT3.SA", 
           "RSID3.SA", "SANB11.SA", "SBSP3.SA", "SUZB5.SA", "TIMP3.SA", 
           "TRPL4.SA", "UGPA3.SA", "USIM3.SA", "USIM5.SA", "VAGR3.SA", "VALE3.SA", 
           "VALE5.SA", "VIVT4.SA")

for (i in tickers){
Author: Rafael Cunha, 2014-02-19

1 answers

Use the function try. Your code will look like this:

for (i in tickers) {

The try function evaluates the expression passed as a parameter and captures any errors that occur during evaluation, preventing script execution from being interrupted because of the error.

If you need to treat the error, use the function tryCatch.

Author: rodrigorgs, 2014-02-20 16:33:46