Loop through the list

There is a list with this structure:

[('Броня', [2, 0.6747547826210327])]

How can you loop through it, but at the same time, you need ('Броня', [2, 0.6747547826210327]) to be considered as a single element, and in the loop you can interact by type data[0], #Броня data[1] #[2, 0.6747547826210327]

My attempt was not successful, it goes through each one separately.

Author: strawdog, 2020-08-17

2 answers

We need a simple loop for. For example:

lst = [('Броня', [2, 0.6747547826210327])]
for data in lst:
    print(data[0], 'с характеристиками', data[1])
Author: Elusha, 2020-08-17 13:17:07

Idiomatic list traversal in python:

array = [('Броня1', [2, 0.6747547826210327]), ('Броня2', [2, 0.6747547826210327]), ('Броня3', [2, 0.6747547826210327])]

for armor in array:
    print(armor[0], armor[1])


Броня1 [2, 0.6747547826210327]
Броня2 [2, 0.6747547826210327]
Броня3 [2, 0.6747547826210327]
Author: Ildar, 2020-08-17 14:09:07