Matlab Neural Networks

Hello everyone) please help me deal with NS in Matlab. There is an input of 66 neurons, and an output with one neuron.there are 600 such examples. everything is trained normally.

net=newff([-1 1],[5 1],{'tansig' 'purelin'});

I want to find out the answer to the test data, I write to the net command line ({vector of 66 numbers}), outputs 66 values, and not one, as it should be in the output. What to do? how do I find out the answer?

Author: Мария, 2016-04-02

1 answers

Network modeling (using the network to solve the problem).

To use the trained network for data processing, use the function sim :


Where p is a set of input vectors, Y is the result of the analysis as a set of output vectors.

Author: Sergey Sigaev, 2016-05-03 13:39:30