Maximum url length in IE

I read on the web that the maximum url length in IE is 2048 characters. But, for some reason, for a request with a url of only 300 characters, I get the following error in the popup

The URL length of this file is too long for this application. A temporary copy of this file will be opened on your computer. The copy must be saved as a new file.

Is there any way to get around this error without changing the folder structure? That is, so that the path remains the same?

Author: Тинюков Юрий, 2016-07-04

1 answers

A URL containing more than 260 characters is not supported. Additionally, a URL containing one or more of the following components is not supported:

  • The name of a folder that has more than 256 UCS-2 characters
  • The name of a file that is more than 128 characters long

Create a new document in the document library or save an existing document in the document library using a new name for the document.

Author: Vanya Avchyan, 2017-05-19 19:06:12