Measuring file size in C++ using fstream

In my task, I needed to check the file size by searching on the forumal collected the function is_Empty, but it turns out that after checking the file size, I can't read it normally. I read from the file using fin >> in the while loop using eof, eof reads normally, i.e. the loop works, but I don't get any data from the file. Where can the error be hiding?

bool is_Empty(const char*name)
    fstream fi;;
    long file_size;
    fi.seekg(0, ios::end);
    file_size = fi.tellg();
    if (file_size == 0)
        return true;
        return false;
void read(const char *namefile)
    int i(0);
    if (is_Empty(namefile))
        cout << "Pust"; return;
    ifstream fin;;
//Тут дальше идёт код считывания из файла
Author: koshachok, 2016-03-16

2 answers

The operation of opening/closing a file is quite expensive, it is better to do without it:

bool isEmpty( std::ifstream &f )
    char c;
    f >> c;
    if( !f ) return true;
    f.seekg( 0, ios::beg );
    return false;

void read( const char *namefile)
    int i(0);
    std::ifstream fin( namefile );
    if( isEmpty( fin ) ) {
        cout << "Pust"; 
    while(!fin.eof()){ ...

Two things. If you know the file name immediately, then it is better to initialize the std::ifstream object immediately, rather than call open() separately. Second, judging by while( !fine.eof() ), your reading is also not all right. Details can be found here - Why is it considered wrong to write while (!input_stream.eof())?

Author: Slava, 2017-04-13 12:53:26

You can count the number of characters in the file, and since one character is equal to one byte, it is not difficult to write such code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

size_t ByteOfFile(const string path){
    ifstream file(path.c_str()); // файл
    size_t s = 0; // счетчик символов

    while (!file.eof()) { // пока не достигнут конец файлв
        file.get();       // читать по одному символу
        s++;              // и увеличивать счетчик

    file.close(); // обязательно закрыть

    s--; // убираем лишнюю итерацию

    return s; // вернуть число символов/байтов

int main(){
    cout << "file size " << ByteOfFile("C:\\test.txt") << " bytes" << endl;

    return 0;

File test.txt :



enter a description of the image here

Author: perfect, 2016-03-16 20:24:49