Media queries, Bootstrap or both? [closed]

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I'm new to the business, despite being in the 3rd semester of college, I started studying web development at about 15 days, my doubt is if I should use just bootstrap or use besides IT, media queries too? Bootstrap adds commands and functionality to html5, is that it?

Author: Rafael Dias, 2016-11-12

1 answers

Rafael, if you are starting now, I suggest you start studying the basic tools for web development, which are 1: HTML, 2: CSS and 3: Javascript . A good start would be the courses of Xti university. Do the courses in that order.

As for Bootstrap, it is a Framework that has some pre-defined CSS styles that you can use to streamline the work.

Success, Good Studies man.

Author: Cleiton Pereira, 2016-11-12 01:14:35