Message "unable to open include file' Stdio. h`"

I need to install Borland C 3.1 on the computer. In general, I threw it unpacked, started working, when checking writes:

"unable to open include file Stdio.h".

And so with all the libraries, can something be done or not?

Author: angry, 2011-11-16

1 answers

  1. If you compile from the development environment, then in the menu Options->Directories, you need to specify the paths to the folders LIB and INCLUDE
  2. If you compile from the command line, then in the TURBOC.CFG file located in the BIN folder, you need to specify the path to the INCLUDE and LIB folders, for example (if unpacked in C:\BORLANDC\):
    and in the TLINK.CFG file only the path to the LIB folder:
Author: insolor, 2011-11-16 21:56:56