Method of finding roots of a function in Fortran

I have created a code that uses 3 methods to determine the roots of a function, the direct method of kicking x values, the Newton-Raphson method, and the secants method. In the direct method, I set values of X close to the roots, and I used do while to add increments of 0.1 to these values until the moment the function changed signal, proximity situation of f(x) = 0. Only as a result, my program gets inifitely within those of while and doesn't run the rest. Here is my code

  program raizes
     implicit none
     integer n, i           !escolha dos chutes iniciais para cada raiz
     real*8, parameter :: r1=-3.d0/10.d0,r2=1.d0/10.d0,r3=4.d0/10.d0
     real*8 r1d, r2d, r3d, xd !novos valore de x a serem testados no
                               !método direto
     real*8 r1_nr, r2_nr, r3_nr, nr1, nr2, nr3 !variáveis do método 
     real*8 r1_si,r2_si,r3_si,r1_s,r2_s,r3_s,sec1,sec2,sec3 !variáveis do
                                        !método das secantes
     xd = 0.d0
     do i = 0, n-1
     !Método Iteração direta
        xd =xd + 1.d0/10.d0 !incremento do chute inicial do método direto
        do while (f(r1d).ge.0.d0) !situação em que a função quase muda 
                                  !de sinal
           r1d = r1 - xd !como a raíz está em -0.5, o r1 deve ser 
        end do
        do while (f(r2d).ge.0.d0)
           r2d = r2 + xd !como a raíz está em 0.33,o r2 deve ser   
        end do
        do while (f(r3d).le.0.d0)!situação em que a função está quase 
                                 !mudando de sinal
           r3d = r3 + xd !como a raíz está em 0.66, o r3 deve ser 
        end do
     !Método Newton-Raphson (N-R)
        r1_nr = r1 !----------valores iniciais de x
        r2_nr = r2
        r3_nr = r3
        nr1 = r1_nr - f(r1_nr)/df(r1_nr) !equação de N-R
        nr2 = r2_nr - f(r2_nr)/df(r2_nr) !equação de N-R
         nr3 = r3_nr +f(r3_nr)/df(r3_nr) !equação de N-R
        r1_nr = nr1 !alterando os valores iniciais de x para a 
        r2_nr = nr2 !próxima iteração
        r3_nr = nr3
     !Método Secante
        r1_si = -2.d0/10.d0 !valores xi-1 na equação do método da secante
        r2_si =  0.d0
        r3_si =  3.d0/10.d0
        r1_s = r1           !valores xi na equação
        r2_s = r2
        r3_s = r3
        sec1 = r1_s - f(r1_s)*(r1_s - r1_si)/(f(r1_s)-f(r1_si)) !fórmula
                                                    !método das secantes
        sec2 = r2_s - f(r2_s)*(r2_s - r2_si)/(f(r2_s)-f(r2_si))
        sec3 = r3_s - f(r3_s)*(r3_s - r3_si)/(f(r3_s)-f(r3_si))
        r1_si = r1_s  !alterando os valores de xi-1 e xi para a próxima 
        r2_si = r2_s
        r3_si = r3_s
        r1_s = sec1
        r2_s = sec2
        r3_s = sec3
        write(10,*) i,r1d,r2d,r3d,nr1,nr2,nr3,sec1,sec2,sec3
     end do

     contains !----------definições da função e de sua derivada
        real*8 function f(x)
     real*8 x
          f = 18.d0*(x**3.d0)-9.d0*(x**2.d0)-5.d0*x+2.d0
     end function f

     real*8 function df(x)
     real*8 x
          df = 54.d0*(x**2.d0)-18.d0*x-5.d0
     end function df
  end program raizes

I would like a suggestion to solve this dos while problem.

Author: Lívia Dantas, 2017-04-29

2 answers

I couldn't solve the problem with do while, so I used only if and else. So it became the part of the direct method.

  program direto
     implicit none
     integer n, i
     real*8, parameter :: r1=-3.d0/10.d0,r2=1.d0/10.d0,r3=4.d0/10.d0
     real*8 r1d,r2d,r3d, xd, raiz_1,raiz_3,raiz_2
     !método iteração direta
     xd = 0.d0
     do i = 0, n-1
        xd =xd + 1.d0/5.d0
           r1d = r1 - xd
           raiz_1 = r1d
        end if
        if (f(r2d).ge.0.d0) then
           r2d = r2 + xd
           raiz_2 = r2d
        end if
        if (f(r3d).ge.0.d0) then
           r3d = r3 + xd
           raiz_3 = r3d
        end if
        write(*,*)i, raiz_1, raiz_2, raiz_3
     end do

        real*8 function f(x)
        real*8 x
            f = 18.d0*(x**3.d0)-9.d0*(x**2.d0)-5.d0*x+2.d0
     end function f
  end program direto
Author: Lívia Dantas, 2017-04-30 21:27:59

I think you need to initialize the values of r1d, r2d and r3d before using them on the first call of f(r1d). If you do not do this, the initial values of these variables will be assigned by the system, that is, you have no way to predict or have control. Thus, its function can behave unexpectedly.
If you initialize them with 0.0, or with the values of r1, r2 and r3, I believe it solves the problem in the first version of the code (without the if/else).

Author: Ivens, 2017-08-22 21:35:30