Missing if in procedure

I did the following procedure, but in END// appears 'missing if', does anyone know why?

William helped me with this problem, but whenever I try to register, the procedure only goes to the last else.

I called this way:

call prc_cadastrar_usuario(18823123132, 'Jorgin', 'Alho', 'jorginalho', 'alho', @a);

drop procedure if exists prc_cadastrar_usuario //
CREATE PROCEDURE prc_cadastrar_usuario (
in n_cpf varchar(11),
in n_nome nvarchar(30),
in n_sobrenome nvarchar(30),
in n_usuario nvarchar(30),
in n_senha nvarchar(255),
out msg nvarchar(200)
declare v_cpf varchar(11);
declare v_nome nvarchar(30);
declare v_sobrenome nvarchar(30);
declare v_usuario nvarchar(30);
declare v_senha nvarchar(255);

-- seleciona  no banco os dados que entraram
set v_cpf := (select cpf from tbl_usuario where cpf = n_cpf);
set v_usuario := (select usuario from tbl_login where usuario = n_usuario);

-- verifica se os dados da select são iguais aos que entraram
if ( (v_cpf <> n_cpf) && (v_usuario <> n_usuario) ) then
    insert into tbl_usuario (cpf, nome, sobrenome) values (n_cpf, n_nome, n_sobrenome);
    insert into tbl_login (usuario, senha, cpf_login_fk) values (n_usuario, n_senha, n_cpf);
    set msg := 'Cadastrado!'; 
elseif ( (v_cpf = n_cpf) && (v_usuario <> n_usuario) ) then
    set msg := 'CPF já cadastrado!'; 
elseif ( (v_cpf <> n_cpf) && (v_usuario = n_usuario) ) then 
    set msg := 'Usuário já cadastrado!'; 
    set msg := 'Erro ao cadastrar';
end if;



create table if not exists tbl_usuario(
    cpf varchar(11) not null,
    constraint cpf_pk primary key(cpf),
    nome nvarchar(30),
    sobrenome nvarchar(30)

create table if not exists tbl_login(
    id_login int not null auto_increment,
    constraint id_login_pk primary key(id_login),
    usuario nvarchar(30),
    senha nvarchar(255),
    cpf_login_fk varchar(11) not null unique,
    constraint cpf_usuario_login_fk foreign key (cpf_login_fk) references tbl_usuario on delete cascade on update cascade
Author: Dherik, 2018-07-06

1 answers

This is because NULL compared to something is always NULL. Reference

Let'S say the CPF is not registered, in this case the Query "select cpf from tbl_usuario where cpf = n_cpf" returns NULL and when you compare v_cpf n_cpf is NULL (neither false nor true) and v_cpf = n_cpf is NULL as well, then falls to else.

Here a solution:

set v_cpf := (select cpf from tbl_usuario where cpf = n_cpf);
set v_usuario := (select usuario from tbl_login where usuario = n_usuario);

if ( (v_cpf is null ) && (v_usuario is null) ) then
   /*insere novo registro*/
elseif ( (v_cpf is not null ) && (v_usuario is null) ) then
    /*'CPF já cadastrado!*/
elseif ( (v_cpf is null ) && (v_usuario is not null) ) then
    /*'Usuario já cadastrado!*/
    /* Usuario e CPF já cadastrados!*/
end if;
Author: William John Adam Trindade, 2018-07-06 19:23:40