Module installation error: pip is not an external or internal command

Hello! I have a question that will seem very stupid to you. When I try to install the module, it returns: "pip is not an external or internal command, an executable program, or a batch file. I was making a full path. The package installer, like, doesn't need to be installed separately. Windows 7.

Author: insolor, 2017-02-06

4 answers

You need to set the path to pip in the environment variables, this can be done when installing python by selecting Add Python to PATH.

If you have already installed, but forgot to select this option, you can add the path manually:

Панель управления -> Система -> Дополнительные параметры системы -> Переменные среды

You will see 2 windows, Переменные среды пользователя для <username> and Системные переменные, you need the first one, click on the variable Path -> Изменить, then you will see the field Значение переменной, put the separator ; at the end and add the path to the directory where pip is located (for example, C:\Python\Scripts, the path to the Python directory can be differ).

Author: Pavel Durmanov, 2020-11-24 10:22:51

When installing Python , you need to install pip and possibly mark Add Python to PATH.

Author: jumpman24, 2017-02-07 13:51:12

Try it this way:

python3 -m pip -V

If it returns the version, then you can install it like this

python3 -m pip install pip

I recommend using it in conjunction with Virtual Environment

Author: qwabra, 2020-01-21 15:08:35

Find the installer, click delete or something like that, then run the installer again and select Add Python to PATH in the lower-left corner, and that's it

Author: user386363, 2020-07-28 19:33:36