multiple commands with python subprocess

I am developing a system (college work) that consists of a site for the use of a certain board. The problem is that in order to run the code on the board, I need to run a portion of commands.

Currently my code looks like this:

def run():
    comando = "cd nke/NKE0.7e/Placa && make clean && make && sudo make ispu && cd .. && sudo ./terminal64"
    # print(os.system(comando)
    process = subprocess.Popen(comando, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = process.communicate()

The problem is that terminal64 never ends (this is not an error), so I would need to set a time for it to run and kill it. After that (example, 2 minutes), I researched and from what I understood this can be done using the subprocess library, but I couldn't run the same command I ran in os.system in it.

Can anyone help me implement this command in subprocess or set a timeout in terminal64?

Author: Woss, 2018-07-04

1 answers

Or popen method.communicate () has a parameter, called timeout that does exactly what you need, waits for n seconds, and in case the process has not returned, kills it and fires a TimeoutExpired exception. The code would look like this:

def run():
    comando = "cd nke/NKE0.7e/Placa && make clean && make && sudo make ispu && cd .. && sudo ./terminal64"

    process = subprocess.Popen(comando, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    # espera por 2 minutos
    out, err = process.communicate(timeout=120) 
Author: Begnini, 2018-07-11 02:26:08