Multiplexer implemented with nand ports

I did not understand why this logic circuit is a multiplexer

Author: Pedro, 2019-04-17

1 answers

A multiplexer circuit is characterized by connecting multiple data streams at the input into only a single one at the output, so that it is possible to "select them ". Just like in the example you provided. Perhaps it will be clearer if you seek to have this other circuit as a reference to understand this one that you are sharing with us. Notice that in this example, the four entries are arranged so that each represents one of the possible States of the true table for a logical and Port.

insert the description of the image here

If you analyze with some attention the image you have given us, you will realize that it also follows the principle that we have highlighted. Note that the Entrada S connects the N2 and N3 ports in different ways. Realize what this entails, analyze the output equation of N2 and N3:

A Entrada S always assumes the reverse state from one port to another.

This circuit can be described as a two-input Multiplexer. Where Entrada S is your selector.

Author: Caio de Paula Silva, 2019-04-17 11:21:59