MySQL connection by

Good afternoon!

Installed the MySQL DBMS on Mac OS X. Localhost connects to databases normally, but how to make it connect to There is a user with such a host in mysql.

Where can I set this up?

Author: cheops, 2015-08-22

2 answers

There are two ways to connect to a MySQL server: via a socket and via a network. When you write localhost as a host, the default connection goes through a socket, and when you write an IP address, it goes through a network. Therefore, there are also two solutions.

Enable network connection reception

To establish a network connection to the MySQL server, make sure that it is enabled. To do this, you should find the my.cnf configuration file (in Windows, my. ini) and in the [mysqld] section, you need to uncomment or create the following directives

# Включаем сетевое соединение
# Разрешаем соединение только для локального хоста
bind-address                   =

After restarting the server, you will turn on the network interaction mode and you will be able to access through, and not through localhost.

Explicitly specify a socket when establishing a connection

Or, if you want to continue communication via the socket, when specifying as the host, you must additionally pass the --socket parameter in which to pass the path to the socket file (you can specify it in my.cnf)

mysql -h -u root -p --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Author: cheops, 2016-07-15 06:31:25

Faced with a similar problem, it was solved by editing the php.ini file, it is necessary to set the mysql.default_socket parameter in it

Author: htmaker, 2017-09-18 09:19:34