Recover file.corrupted gz

I have a file in .gz that is corrupted.

Is there a possibility to extract the data from this file? Even if it is partially?

This file is a sql database dump.


Author: DeBarros, 2014-04-08

1 answers

Yes, you can try to recover a file .gz, but expect to have large data losses from the middle of it.

First, make a copy of the file and work only with the copy.

Make a

gunzip  < arquivo_com_erro.gz > arquivo_saida

And your output file will have everything that was possible to recover until the first failure.

To recover what is after the failure, one method is to compile the gzip program with a few more lines of code. For this, I suggest following the recommended in (in English, and I anticipate that it will take time and will not be easy)

Another solution: see the tools available in

Author: woliveirajr, 2014-04-08 20:45:22