Need an API to work with minecraft, but with some conditions

The question is quite interesting. I'm doing one project, I won't go into details, it's a lottery.

In minecraft, for each item, there is a so-called nbt tag, for example, you can use it to change the name and description of items. Damn, I'll probably have to write more details. I will write first superficially, and then deeper. Players buy all the tickets, the tickets have three fields, each field has 5 letters, and wait for the draw. When the draw itself takes place, I put up 15 random letters and players check if all the letters in the fields match, then the prize, of course, the more such matched fields, the greater the prize.

Such tickets are difficult to make, I use nbt tags, but to edit them in the game(I play on the game server) you need to have the privilege. You hold the object in your hand, you write a command and the ticket changes, but not immediately, it all depends on the ping and tps server, it turned out later that this method, in addition to the print time, has one jamb - this is ticket forgery, therefore, it was necessary to change something. I found a mod for this, it could edit the nbt tags as they are, and I also embedded the generated code there. It seems everything is OK, I wrote a script for this whole thing(the script, by the way, stupidly generates letters, all this is for nbt and uses software keystrokes-crutches), ok so ok, and tickets need to be sold to players, at auction a maximum of 12 items for sale can be placed, 200 tickets and they need to be sold for at least 8 hours, even though more than 250 games are played on servers human. I decided to save these nbt tags and write a bot so that it sells for me, when it is necessary to deliver a new ticket to the auction, and so on. The plus of the mod is that you change the nbt on the subject without sending a request to the server, and this happens quite quickly.

The main jamb of the mod is that it uses an extra waste of PC resources for rendering graphics, and it is not needed, so I'm looking for an api for this.

Main conditions: Edit nbt, Without rendering graphics and the most important thing is that it should all work on the client side, since I do not have physical access to the server, since clearly the case is not mine.

I saw something similar, but xs how to subtract




Rather, they do not suit me, since they are for a single game. In principle, any language, if only the conditions satisfied.

Here are the screenshots, at least that can be understood.

Here is just an item without a description, etc. (I did not bother with the color of the text)

I wrote the command with the mod, holding the item in my hand .nbt add {code:"This is not seen by regular players", display: {Lore:["Description", "Second line"], Name: "Title"}}

And now, it works quickly, unlike the standard command

Author: Title_, 2020-12-07