No bean corresponds to CDI injection point

I am wanting to implement CDI. But when I use the @Inject annotation I am notified with this warning

"No bean matches Injection Point"

Line of code I'm notified of

@Inject private LancamentoDadosDao lancamentoDadosDao;

DAO class

    public class LancamentoDadosDao {

        private Session session;
        private Result result;

        public LancamentoDadosDao(Session session, Result result) {
            this.session = session;
            this.result = result;

What might be occurring for this warning to appear ?

Author: Ivan Alves, 2016-07-13

1 answers

To be used with CDI your class needs to have a constructor without parameters or your constructor with parameters must be annotated with @Inject (but make sure that the parameters will be injected correctly).

Author: Sérgio Mucciaccia, 2016-07-21 22:30:55