Node.js + Webpack + TypeScript: dirname returns the root of the C drive

There is a library that is being developed along the way, and the main project that uses this library. Admit:

  • The library has a file library.ts, its absolute path is С:\Users\user1\projects\lib1\src\library.ts
  • The project that uses the library has a file someProject.ts whose absolute path is C:\Users\user1\projects\someProject\src\someProject.ts

The library is written in TypeScript and is built by Webpack in JavaScript for execution in the environment Node.js.

You need to programmatically get the path С:\Users\user1\projects\lib1\src in the file library.ts. I have already solved this problem in one way-via DefinePlugin, but I don't like that in library.ts, __dirname returns only /. Because of this, path.resolve(__dirname, 'fileName') will give C:\fileName.

Naturally, I run the project NOT in the root of the C:

enter a description of the image here

Author: Боков Глеб, 2019-01-11

1 answers

To manage special node variables, webpack has a special configuration in the config:

node: {
    __dirname: ...,

As written in the documentation, for __dirname there are three options:

  • "mock" (default) - always use"/";
  • true - the relative path to the directory where the source file is located is used (the path is taken relative to the setting context);
  • false - the path to the directory where the output file is located is used (actually, webpack does not touch this variable at all, and it is handled by the node-so this option will not work in the browser).

Choose the option that suits you.

Author: Pavel Mayorov, 2019-01-14 09:07:32