Opening href in the same window

Can you tell me how to make links like <a href=""> open in the same window, and not in another one?

PS: how can I make it minimalistic, so that when clicking on each link of the form <a href="адрес", the adr\ec of the link, the file from the address, is loaded into the same container by Ajax?Thank you in advance!

Author: Deleted, 2012-08-14

2 answers

Use the target attribute. Description.

In your case, use either _self or _parent.

<p><a href="new.html" target="_blank">Открыть в новом окне</a></p>
<p><a href="new.html" target="_self">Открыть в этом окне</a></p>
Author: Ravt Service, 2012-08-15 06:49:53

I think the author meant a frame-type system. That is, there is a block 100х100 and links that, when clicked, would load information into this block without reloading the page.

In this case, I would recommend Ajax tabs. Here is the demo.

Author: webkostya, 2012-08-15 06:50:44