Opening large JSON files on Mac os?

How can I view JSON files that weigh more than 10-30mb?

I tried sublime, atom, visual studio code, TextEdit, xCode. All these editors are hanging around and can't do anything. Is it possible on mac os to open large JSON editing files?

Here is a similar file weighing 250mb

enter a description of the image here

Author: manking, 2020-03-12

2 answers

HexFiend - instantly opens, swings back and forth through the file and edits. In the settings, we remove the show HEX data and work as with a text file.

Author: Firsov36, 2020-03-13 09:30:34

The problem was solved by using a virtual windows 10 on mac os. There, the standard notepad instantly opened everything and even allowed you to scroll everything. So the answer is that on Mac os it will not work out this way the system is quite weak for professional development and does not cope with serious tasks, because of which the MacBook itself is very hot (I'm afraid that it will break when trying to open text files). :(

Author: manking, 2020-03-13 08:19:55