Net error:: ERR BLOCKED by CLIENT when making Ajax request

I came across a strange error when trying to run an ajax request, and I haven't had much success looking for solutions.

Here's the error:

JQuery error

Line 199 of forms.js is the $.ajax({ in:

    type: "POST",
    url: _url,
    cache: false,
    data: {
        type: 'excluir',
        key: _data
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {

PS.: I've tried swapping $ to jQuery but it didn't work. PS. 2: the references and calls of the jQuery libraries are in the correct order.

The strangest thing is that this same file works for all the others pages, since it is my global file for form handling.

Author: bfavaretto, 2014-03-10

4 answers

Well, I did a bigger rummage and found references in this link .

I tested on firefox (and it worked). In reality, it wasn't code error or anything, it was just Adblock (chrome extension) blocking the request.

If someone has the same problem in the future, simply add the domain ( even if it is localhost ) to the Allowed list.

Author: mend3, 2014-03-10 21:30:11

Friend, use the following technique: /

This was to give access to local files. By default Chrome blocks access to local files.

Author: Ronny Amarante, 2014-03-10 22:48:53

The Avast Extension blocks some analytics scripts (Google Analytics, for example) and social networks.

Simply add the domains of the blocked scripts as an exception in the settings of the Avast extension that it goes on to allow the execution of these scripts.

In addition AddBlock also blocks some features, as mend3 said in his Response ,

Author: Ulysses Alves, 2017-04-13 12:59:42

Just to help anyone who is seeing this answer: probably adblock blocked this request because it had the word banner in the URL. Even if you pause adblock to develop, this AJAX may not work for some user who is using adblock (because he did not Pause adblock on your site, and probably will not). My suggestion is to change the word banner from the url to some other word.

Author: Ian, 2016-06-29 14:16:46