Package Downgrade in laravel

I am facing a problem to run composer install due to a package that is incompatible with the version of laravel I use at the moment;

The version I have is 4.1 with php 5.6, but when I run install I get the message;

Illuminate/support v5.5.2 requires php >=7.0 -> your PHP version (5.6.32) does not satisfy that requirement.

Unfortunately someone updated the package and now I can no longer install it in the environment That's correct. How can I make downgrade so that the packages are compatible with the current version of laravel? (4.1)

Author: novic, 2017-11-21

1 answers

I would do like this:

  • remove the package with the Command composer remove illuminate/support
  • Clear the cache with the command composer clear or composer clear-cache. This is important because when it comes to installing again, Composer usually tries to pick up the version that is in the cache.

  • Turn the command composer require illuminate/support 4.1.*

Author: Wallace Maxters, 2017-11-21 15:12:44