How to select all and copy text from all controls?

In a WPF window I have 6 DataGrid and 6 Label. Is it possible to add a right-click menu to the window and select the text from all controls and then copy this text?

Author: Chofoteddy, 2016-09-26

1 answers

If I'm not mistaken here's a precise tutorial on how to do that: explain what you want to do, it gives you the scripts that you should use.

As the tutorial explains, We must create a static variable:

static bool conFoco_txtBuscar; (esta variable establece si el texto se encuentra “con foco” = “true” ó “false”)

EVENTO GodFocus:


EVENTO GotMouseFocus:


EVENTO LostFocus


Here I leave the same code in text format since the code above are images and you can not copy the clipboard text:

/*variable estatica*/

static bool conFoco_txtBuscar;


private void txtBuscarCliente_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released)
                    conFoco_txtBuscar = true;

private void txtBuscarCliente_GotMouseCapture(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
          if (!conFoco_txtBuscar && txtBuscarCliente.SelectionLength == 0)
                    conFoco_txtBuscar = true;

private void txtBuscarCliente_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          conFoco_txtBuscar = false;
          txtBuscarCliente.SelectionLength = 0;
Author: Lucas D.A.W., 2017-08-27 14:45:42