Parking of CPU cores

On the Internet, a fairly popular topic is how to DISABLE kernel parking (the solution is usually via the registry). And I have the opposite problem: is it possible to park the cores FORCIBLY and without restarting the operating system?

Update: Here downloaded the program and I have a "game" with sliders, it seems to work, but how to do it yourself programmatically?

Author: Kromster, 2016-02-06

1 answers

From user comment @nick_n_a:

If there are "not enough" cores, there is still a software emulation of threads.

But the processor also has hardware support for threads - Task-gateways. I think you need to read the processor specification. The simplest implementation is that each Task gateway has AnifyMask, if you reset one bit for all masks, the kernel corresponding to this bit will not be used. But the general mask for all Tasks is most likely stored in in the Windows kernel and is available at the driver level. Perhaps this can be found by disassembling the kernel, or by its undocumented functions. Still, no one will allow you to control the processor from the application level.

Author: Arhad, 2017-04-13 12:53:25