PHP - how to sort values from a lottery table

I'm having the following problem: - let's imagine we have the lottery records, but we need to sort the values. I have already tried the code of the documentation of the php - asort, but it does not work! I'm using the 7.2.4 version of php (I hope it doesn't have a bug)!

Database: insert the description of the image here

I want to sort the numbers that are in n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 and n6.

Ex: the record id=2032, should have n1=6, n2=14, n3=19, n4=20, n5=39 and n6=53.


$result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM table32");
while ($dados = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { 
    $valores = array(
        "n1" => $dados['n1'], "n2" => $dados['n2'], 
        "n3" => $dados['n3'], "n4" => $dados['n4'], 
        "n5" => $dados['n5'], "n6" => $dados['n6']
    foreach ($valores as $n => $val) { 
        echo "$n = $val"; //Não chega aqui! 
Author: Wictor Chaves, 2018-04-21