PHP Template Engine

I have a fairly simple template engine in PHP:


  class Templater{
    private $title;
    private $path;
    private $copyright = '&copy;2011 Все права защищенны';
    private $date;
    private $time;

    public function tmp($title,$path=NULL){
        $this->title = $title;
        $this->path = $path;
        $this->date = date("d.m.Y");
        $this->time = date('H:i:s');

        $tmp = file_get_contents(PATH.'/tmp/'.$this->path);
        $tmp = str_replace('{TITLE}',$this->title,$tmp);
        $tmp = str_replace('{DATE}',$this->date,$tmp);
        $tmp = str_replace('{TIME}',$this->time,$tmp);
        $tmp = str_replace('{COPYRIGHT}',$this->copyright,$tmp);

        return $tmp;
  $templater = new Templater();

What a file index.php and where it is necessary already in the root of the site, I do the following:

require_once 'class/templater.php';
  print $templater->tmp($title,'header.tpl');
  print $templater->tmp($title,'body.tpl');
  print $templater->tmp($title,'footer.tpl');

To call the template itself.

I need to be able to use php code in tpl files, for example

[if()] [/if] [elseif()] [/elseif] [else] [/else] [while ()] [/while] [for()] [/for] [include file=""] [require file=""] [switch ()] [/switch]

Well, here is the similarity, at least as the main thing that if the file was tpl and you could use php code in it, I would be very grateful as I have been tormented by the search for several days, please do not offer smarty and other template engines...

Author: Dimcheg, 2014-03-26

1 answers

When using file_get_contents to execute php constructs, you will need to add the logic for replacing php-like commands in templates. In one of my developments, I solved this problem by sending all the variables to the template engine and accessing the class objects directly in the templates.

Template Engine code:

class Templater{
    function __construct(){}

    public function AddVariant($var,$name) {
        $this->$name = $var;
    public function Template($TplFile) {
        require_once $TplFile;

Sending variables to the template engine:

//Инициализируем шаблонизатор
$templater = new Templater();
//Отправляем шаблонизатору переменные
$templater->AddVariant($Content->header, 'header');
$templater->AddVariant($Content->text, 'text');
//Назначаем файл-шаблон

Code (sample) of the page template

<html xmlns="">
<title><?php echo $this->header['title']; ?></title>
<meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->header['meta_d']; ?>" /> 
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $this->header['meta_k']; ?>" />
<?php echo $this->text; ?>

Another bike that doesn't claim to be perfect, but I hope it will help Help you develop your skills.

Author: terantul, 2014-03-26 19:46:41